Last update of indicator08.12.2022
In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, GPP is considered a voluntary tool, the application of which, within the proactive approach of organizations, can achieve the simultaneous efficient use of financial resources, protection of environment, protection of health and support the circular economy. In March 2016, the GPP was included in the Program Statement of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the years 2016 - 2020, where the ambition of the government is to create favorable conditions for its application. In December 2016, the Resolution of the Government of the Slovak Republic no. 590 approved National Action Plan for Green Public Procurement in the Slovak Republic for the years 2016 - 2020 (hereinafter referred to as NAP GPP III). The strategic goal of NAP GPP III is to achieve a 50 % share of green procurement by state authorities in the total volume of contracts concluded by them for selected product groups. According to the Envirostrategy 2030, this share should reach up to 70 % of the total value of public procurement in 2030. To achieve the strategic goal, three main measures have been set out in the NAP GPP III, which are implemented through defined activities:
In 2016, the Slovak Republic fulfilled the tasks arising from the approved NAP GPP III. Under the first measure, the activities were aimed primarily at raising the awareness of public purchasers and contracting authorities about the manner and possibilities of applying GPP through educational events - professional workshops, in which the participants were also provided with professional promotional materials. A total of 168 participants were trained at GPP workshops in 2016. Information on green public procurement was also provided to the public through SEA website/enviroportal as well as through the GPP helpdesk. Monitoring GPP development is carried out annually based on two quantitative indicators, namely:
In 2021, the total numbers and values of above-limit, below-limit and low-value contracts, broken down into goods, services and construction works, were monitored as part of monitoring the level of GPP application in the Slovak Republic. 4,270 public institutions (public authorities and their subordinate organizations, self-governing regions and organizations established by them, cities and municipalities) were contacted, of which 749 subjects (17.5 %) participated in the questionnaire survey. In 2021, the level of Indicator 1 reached 5.14 % and the level of Indicator 2 reached 17.7 %. Based on the evaluation of the application of GPP, the ambitious target set in the Envirostrategy 2030 has not yet been achieved.